Greetings to PNG Members from Dr. Ferenc Horkay,

previous Chair, Polymer Networks Group.


I am pleased to announce the launch of the Polymer Networks Group website, which has been designed to offer information of general interest about the history, science and application of polymer networks to the international polymer network community and helpful resources of specific interest to those attending PNG meetings or participating in other PNG activities.


Some highlights include:



A homepage describing the mission and goals of the PNG.

(ii) A history section providing information about PNG activities since 1975 when the first meeting was held in Strasbourg, France.
(iii) Photo galleries from previous conferences.
(iv) Links to the websites of past PNG Conference books.
(v) A meeting page containing information on the next PNG Conference.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to launching this website. First, I thank Professor Costas S. Patrickios, who did an outstanding job designing the website. I am also grateful to Professors Bob Stepto, Wayne Cook, Wilhelm Oppermann and John Stanford for their thoughtful comments and for providing photographs for the amusing photo galleries.


The website will be regularly updated to provide you news and information about current and coming PNG activities. Please, distribute this link to your colleagues and students so they can plan to attend future meetings, and also encourage them to join PNG!

Here find the Greetings of the new PNG Chair